This week featured the uphill battle of trying to set up a website. That was the most challenging part. I spent a better part of Tuesday’s snow day working on it. It was unintuitive, but I manufactured something resembling a functioning site. While it was difficult, It was much more fun than I expected. I hope that’s a good sign of what is to come.
Throughout the week I continued editing, exploring the ds106 sites and working on the movie assignment. I watched Metropolis. Writing that review was a whole new challenge, as I somehow could not figure out how to add tags. I couldn’t find the editing bar to add tags, and it took me a solid twenty minutes before I realized it was as simple as pressing one of the top buttons. But I figured it out!
I’m excited to keep working and figure out what is going on. Wish me luck!
Your struggle definitely paid off on your site it looks so great! I love the cohesive theme you have going it fits together really well and I can’t wait to see what you continue doing.
Your personality shines through the website and you are am interesting fellow student and person! I will visit your posts from time and time and comment. Awesome work establishing your blog.
Thank you so much! I appreciate that support a lot. I am also an avid fan of your blog 🙂