In Moon Graffiti, written and produced by Jonathan Mitchell, is a fictional retelling of the moon landing where Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong crashed and became stranded. Matt Evans and Ed Herbstman played the two astronats. The story is inspired by the speech written for Nixon by William Saffire in…
Things To Watch and Read – Talking About Poster and Book Design
This week I learned about book jacket and movie poster design. Some of the videos and articles I read are below so you can enjoy them as well. (Not all of them could be linked) Going in, I was interested to hear what professionals had to say about their work.…
Figuring Things Out – The Techno-Optimist Manifesto
This week I read The Techno-Optimist Manifesto by Marc Andreessen. From the first line – “We are being lied to” – I had an issue with the tone of the article. I agreed with the ideas presented but the entire thing came off as pretentious (maybe that is just the…
Metropolis: 100-Year-Old Robots Are Still Relevant
For the movie assignment, I watched Metropolis, a 1927 German film about a man who discovers the dark truth about the city his father runs. I chose this movie because I wanted to know what a film from 1926 had to say about robots and how those messages would read…
Let’s Start This Thing
Welcome to Sydney Says Things, my website to share, discuss, and manage all the various things in my life. As of now, this blog will primarily discuss my work in the class Digital Storytelling 106, aka ds106. My goal in this class is to become semi-acceptable at using the internet.…