Welcome to Sydney Says Things, my website to share, discuss, and manage all the various things in my life. As of now, this blog will primarily discuss my work in the class Digital Storytelling 106, aka ds106.
My goal in this class is to become semi-acceptable at using the internet. I’ve always been passable with everyday tech but lost with anything more difficult than the Google Suite. I know technology will be important to the future and it’s high time I get on the bandwagon. I want to learn how to operate this website, understand how the internet works in conjunction with everyday life, and how I can make the internet work for me.
Outside of technology, I hope to improve my reflection skills. I have trouble being honest about myself and my own work. I will be constantly evaluating myself and writing about my process and experiences.
I am excited to get started and get working.
Nailed it, Sydney – with this first post you’ve already surpassed your goal of being semi-acceptable at using the internet. Can’t wait to see what you next for AI106/DS106!
It sounds the course you are taking now could open up some doors and maybe some windows and maybe a few hidden places for using technology with more confidence and creativity. That’s all good stuff!
I hope you have a fruitful and interesting journey!
Kevin (loosely connected across platforms with the DS106 ecosystem)