I’ve been feeling good in this class, so going back to look at my goals was comforting. Unfortunately, my goals at the beginning of the semester were not very measurable. Here is what I originally said: My goal in this class is to become semi-acceptable at using the internet. I’ve…
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – I listen to the ds106 radio
On Tuesday night I listened to an episode of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? on ds106 radio. I joined a little late, so missed some of the setup, but was able to catch up pretty easily. This is a story about a post-apocalyptic world where it is almost impossible…
Coimagination – Thoughts on Radio
Today I watched two videos from Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad. Both are linked below. In these videos, Jad Abumrad discusses the impact and uniqueness of radio. I was most intrigued by his ideas about connection between people. The way people interact with radio is different than movies or TV. It requires…
Noise, Noise, Noise – Week 4 Summary
This week was all about sound. As someone who has never edited audio before this was a challenge akin to climbing Mt. Everest, but I managed to figure it out! While my work is by no means astounding, I am very proud of what I did. To get me into…
What Are You Listening To? – Very Underdeveloped Radio Ideas
Below are some ideas for radio shows. They aren’t fully developed yet but could be fun! I’ll continue to add to this list as I come up with ideas. Tea in a Tree is my favorite because it is the silliest. I love climbing trees. If you need a fun…
Will AI Kill Us? – Consult With Your Doctor
Today my friends and I had an informative conversation with Dr. Oblivion. The original question I gave him was Can AI kill us? Below is his real response. The perennial question of artificial intelligence unleashing its murderous tendencies. Well first and foremost, AI itself does not possess the capability to…
An Introduction to Voice Acting – Sound Effects Story
Today I made a story entirely with sound effects. As I’ve mentioned, I am brand new to audio editing. This was a huge challenge but I managed to finish it with the help of my friends. I used Freesound for most of the audio clips and music. My friends assisted…
Tune In – DS106 Radio Bumper Assignment
The first audio editing assignment I tried was to make a bumper for the DS106 Radio. I was very ambitious and spent almost thirty minutes on a bumper that I ultimately scrapped because it was unlistenable. So, I landed on this simple but effective bumper that features Dr. Oblivion.
City Things – Create A Place Assignment
Today I tried to create a city ambience using free sounds and Audacity. Sound editing is not something I have any practice or experience with which made this was a real challenge. I also love working while listening to music, which you can’t do when you are editing sounds, so…
Shoot for the Moon – “Moon Graffiti”
In Moon Graffiti, written and produced by Jonathan Mitchell, is a fictional retelling of the moon landing where Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong crashed and became stranded. Matt Evans and Ed Herbstman played the two astronats. The story is inspired by the speech written for Nixon by William Saffire in…