ds106 - Weekly Summary

Making Images and Looking At Images – Week 3, where I thought about art

This week was all about visual design. While my motivation to keep myself organized wavered, I still managed to get everything done and have some fun while doing it.

I did three daily creates this week: Colour In A Classic, Gif Your First Job, and Theme Song. My favorite was color in a classic. I had so much fun and discovered new paintings. I will be using that website again in the future if I need a break from work. You can find my summary post here

Next, I also did three assignments. One of them involved testing AI art programs. That made me feel weird, but it was entertaining to see what the AI created. That post is here. I chose to do my next two assignments about my character, Georgia Finch. I used Canva for her business card and Landing for her purse. I enjoyed making her purse and again found a new website!

I also watched and read about book and movie poster design. I found this very interesting and enjoyed explanations for trends I had noticed. My full reflection is here.

I also did the photoblitz. That was the most confusing and stressful task of this week. Anything timed worries me, especially when it involves a new website and challenges that I don’t know how to complete. My full post about that is here

Overall, I experimented with several new websites this week. My repertoire of digital editing options is rapidly expanding. 

See you next week!

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